Our projects have been featured in numerous journals, including New York Magazine, London Financial Times, Columbia Magazine, WIRED and Smithsonian Magazine. Essays by DeathLAB's director Karla Rothstein have been published in books and journals, with others forthcoming.
The Future of the Corpse Changing Ecologies of Death and Disposition
Published by ABC-CLIO, and edited by Karla Rothstein and Christina Staudt, this book demonstrates that American society today is in a pivotal period for re-imaging end-of-life care, funerary services, human disposition methods, memorializing, and mourning.
Read more about the book HERE.
Living death: confronting mortality and associated practices of care
Karla Rothstein and Christina Staudt publish "Living death: confronting mortality and associated practices of care" in Architectural Review's March 2021 Issue on Care.
Read the full article HERE.
Democratizing Death: Interview with Karla Rothstein
[Rothstein] urges the re-engagement and coexistence with life and death to explore what impacts all these transformations might have, encompassing first of all spatial, but also cultural, social, environmental, technological, and economic aspects. Interview by Bernd Upmeyer.
Read the full interview HERE.
Making Light of Death
At Columbia’s DeathLab, the search for a cleaner, smarter alternative to burial is a deeply serious matter.
Read the full article HERE.
A Columbia lab is trying to turn corpses into glowing installation art under the Manhattan Bridge
The idea captures both the intimate and the collective aspects of death...
Read the full article HERE.
The New Civic–Sacred: Designing for Life and Death in the Modern Metropolis
Through two design projects—one in an existing Victorian cemetery in Bristol, England, and the other augmenting iconic public infrastructure in New York City—this article argues for the potential of new disposition methods and enhanced public space.
Read the full article HERE.
DeathLAB Constellation Park
Through strategic design that synthesizes evolving cultural beliefs with cutting-edge science grounded in naturally occurring biological processes, we have developed an elegant, resourceful solution to a ubiquitous problem.
Read the full article HERE.
An Urban System of Death
“I believe public spaces that support reflection are essential elements of our global cities, and cemeteries have the capacity to be both meditative and richly celebratory,” said Karla Rothstein, DeathLAB’s founder and director.
Read the full article HERE.
The Out Loud Journal
DEATH + ARCHITECTURE is the first of many investigations on topics stemming from the open ideas competitions that established arch out loud. Our goal is to approach each issue from all angles, with architecture, at times, participating as an association hovering in the back of our minds and at others, plastered on the front cover without shame.
Read the full article HERE.
The New Civic–Sacred: Designing for Life and Death in the Modern Metropolis
Through two design projects—one in an existing Victorian cemetery in Bristol, England, and the other augmenting iconic public infrastructure in New York City—this article argues for the potential of new disposition methods and enhanced public space.
Read the full article HERE.
"Life After Death: What Human Burial Options Will Look Like in a Sustainable Future"
Read the full article HERE.
"Ashes to Ashes. Dust to Dust. Or, in Washington State, You Could Now Be Compost"
Read the full article HERE.
Read the full article HERE.
Sisa Jasad Manusia Hasilkan Energi Listrik di Pemakaman
Read the full article HERE.
The Cemeteries of the Future will be Lit by Decomposing Bodies
Read the full article HERE.
What Graves and Tombs Could Look Like the Future
Read the full article HERE.
An Enlightened Idea! Cemeteries of the Future Could Power Lights Using Human Remains
Read the full article HERE.
Arnos Vale Cemetery Summons the Dead to Provide Light at the End of the Tunnel
Read the full article HERE.
Researchers Reimagine the Future Cemetery at Arnos Vale
Read the full article HERE.
British Cemetery Could be Illuminated by Energy Generated by the Deceased
Read the full article HERE.
Dead Bodies Light the Way in this Biofuel-Powered Cemetery
Read the full article HERE.
El Cementerio del Futuro, Ecológico y Multi-Religión
Read the full article HERE.
Winner of the 2016 Design Competition: Future Dead:
Read the full article HERE.
Heading Towards the Light - Take a Look at the Extraordinary New Vision for Graves at Arnos Vale
Read the full article HERE.
Here’s what the environmentally-friendly cemetery of the future could look like
Read the full article HERE.
Researchers Reimagine the Future Cemetery at Arnos Vale
Read the full article HERE.
Redesenhando o Futuro Dos Cemitérios
Read the full article HERE.
Researchers Envisage 'Future Cemetery'
Read the full article HERE.
Decomposing Bodies Power Ethereal Cemetery Lanterns
Read the full article HERE
Futuristic Cemetery Concepts
Read the full article HERE.
Back to Life - Researching the Future of Death
Read the full article HERE.
Read the full article HERE.
What if Penn Station & MSG were Transformed into a Cemetery?
Read the full article HERE.
Your Dearly Departed ... in a Vending Machine
Read the full article HERE.